From: Walter Pullen To: SOC Personal Growth Club Subject: Security of the Day :-) Date: Tuesday, September 06, 1994 2:05PM If you're on the alias reading this, by definition you're probably interested in spiritual or personal growth. What does that mean? One way of looking at it is growing in consciousness to newer and happier, more evolved levels. Even that concept isn't always well defined, as the question then becomes what are these different levels of being and how does one exist on them? I'd like to do a series of Thoughts of the Day on various centers of awareness and present one way among many of looking at and cataloging them. The first area or center deals with security. This is a near instinct way of looking at the world where you are concerned with your personal safety and well being. One sees the world as formed of external people and circumstances that either add to or remove from their sense of security. The emotions of fear and worry (especially about the future) come about when one's desire for security is being threatened. This center isn't necessarily bad, as it can be life saving if one is in real danger. It's just isolating and lonely when this is the only place one is coming from, as others are only objects that help or hinder. One also can never get enough security, and even when one temporarily has it, they'll likely have a new addiction to try to keep things that way. Relationships can be based on this level, where say someone stays with another because they are poor or wouldn't be able to live on their own. In the workplace one can be here, if they are concerned about getting fired or not making ends meet. Or if things are going well, their good feeling is that they are safe and aren't in pain then. Let's look at our lives, and see and understand those areas where we are seeking and being on a security level of consciousness. - Walter From: Walter Pullen To: SOC Personal Growth Club Subject: Sensation of the Day :-) Date: Wednesday, September 07, 1994 2:22PM Concerning these states of consciousness of the day, I can say the model is based on one as presented by Ken Keyes in his classic "Handbook to Higher Consciousness". Remember the seven metaphysical chakras that Marie-Do talked about a week or so back? There are seven centers of consciousness in my model too, and one may notice each center described is kind of related to its corresponding chakra. This is almost a more psychological way of looking at the same concept, especially if New Age woo-woo and you don't mix! ;-) In the different centers of consciousness, once one either has security or no longer is hung up about it all the time, they can move up and start desiring the next logical step: sensation. On the sensation level of consciousness one seeks and does action in a way to give themselves nice sensations. A distinctly higher level than security, it can give measures of happiness, such as pleasure. Although it's impossible to ever have continuous pleasure or enough sensation, so this center deals with the emotions of irritation or boredom when one addicted to sensation can't get it. Watching television, eating candy, playing games, and especially, sex, are common examples of being on this center. However, different people can do the same thing but be in different centers, e.g. sex on the sensation level is when you judge it solely by how it felt; another could be on the security level doing it to keep a relationship stable. It's important to understand that it's usually ourselves and not our circumstances that control what center we are on; for example concerning security again, one person may feel happy and secure in their day to day life with almost no money at all, while a millionaire may be terrified of losing it. In what ways are our own lives and those around us affecting by the desire of sensation? - Walter From: Walter Pullen To: SOC Personal Growth Club Subject: Power of the Day :-) Date: Thursday, September 08, 1994 2:31PM This is the third in our progression though the seven centers of consciousness. Still another way to look at the ubiquitous seven levels is as the seven colors of the rainbow. Security is red, sensation is orange, today's center is yellow, and meditating on the other colors may give one a clue as to the psychology associated with them. The next center of consciousness is power. Once one is not only secure, but also is enjoying themself, or is no longer eternally seeking on such levels, they will begin to want to expand their own self image. The first desire for any type of progression happens here, although the growth means to increase one's own ego in relation to everything around them. One on this level frequently clashes with others who desire power as well. Others are seen as competitors who need to be outdone so you can be the best. Manipulation, hostility, anger, and conflict (obvious or not) come about from when emotion backed demands or expectations of power aren't always being met. These include things such as wanting to have better fashion, a faster computer, more money, or whatever other status symbol than whoever. Again, this is an individual psychological state, as a servant may feel very happy inside helping others, while a king just can't boss others around enough. Being on this level is very common, and some of its manifestations are subtle. Taking pity or giving can be done from a level that you are better and helping others and are hence a better person. Guilt trips are subtle power plays. Even "spritual growth" is sometimes approached from a power level where one tries to gain occult powers or be pure in order to feel better than ordinary people. A good example of being almost fully on the power level is a corporate executive: definitely not in danger of becoming financially insecure, willing to work long hours without regard to idle pastimes, but when it comes to doing and being the best and number one in the market, anything short of illegality goes. I dare say there are many good examples of near purely power consciousness here at MS! A example of having power addictions not met that we should all be familiar with is traffic: when a car cuts you off, is driving too slow, or when that light turns red in front of you, any negative feelings are likely power based. Suppose your manager comes in and yells at you for not doing enough work? If you get angry at how dare he treat you like that, a power desire is not being met. If you get irritated that you have to stop playing Solitaire and do things you'd rather not, a sensation desire isn't being met. If you're scared that you might get fired, it's a security issue. It's good to be able to see all the manifestations of a desire for personal power around us, and especially within ourselves. - Walter From: Walter Pullen To: SOC Personal Growth Club Subject: Love of the Day :-) Date: Friday, September 09, 1994 5:14PM All centers of consciousness have value and play a role in one's evolution. Within any center lies the seeds for the next step. Yesterday was described the power center. Eventually when one is on the power center for a long enough time, they may realize and learn certain things. In seeking true power and ego advancement, one will eventually stop concerning themselves with petty things because they aren't productive. For example, why get mad at the slow driver in front of you? You can't do anything about it, and the time can be spent better plotting your next corporate acquisition, which will do a lot more real good for your self than any hollow ego victory. You'll realize the unproductiveness of conflict and will seek friendlier solutions and even be willing to compromise, because you calculate that will advance you further in the long run. Eventually you may think it in your best interest to directly help another. Once you start considering others, and not from a standpoint of direct personal gain, a leap has been made to the Love center of consciousness. This is the first level of self-reflectivity, when you aren't just desiring, but are looking at yourself desiring, and considering if that's the best way to grow. This is the first center that can include others in a true feeling of "love", hence its name. On this level you realize your actions that are negative and separating and seek to correct them. There's a boundary between the Security, Sensation, and Power centers, and the Love center on up. The Love center is the first center that can provide you with the feeling of *enough*, where the other three imply continually striving for more unhappily. The Love center doesn't result in any negative feelings: you can go from happy to neutral, but not below because there are no emotion backed demands that can be triggered by external circumstances. This center doesn't imply lack of desire, just that what you seek is a *preference* and not an *addiction*. You may prefer your car not to run out of gas, but if it does you realize (not repress) that being negative about it is, just negative, won't help anything, won't help the matter at hand, and will prevent you from seeing the beautiful wildflowers at the side of the road or the other nice things life is offering. The Love center is common among those interested in spiritual growth. Although for most of us, life consists of moving from one to another. For example, after a morning meditation we're on the Love center, happy with the world. Then the cat barfs on the rug but we don't let it bother us even though we'd prefer it not to. But then someone plays a joke on us and we have a flash of anger and are on the power center. Then we realize our negativity and try to work on the addictive button that was pushed. Afterwards we can be on the Love center again, and so on. Let's look at our lives today, and be aware of what center we are on and how it changes. From: Walter Pullen To: SOC Personal Growth Club Subject: Cornucopia of the Day :-) Date: Monday, September 12, 1994 1:39PM Last week we explored four centers of consciousness. These included the first three which we called Security, Sensation, and Power, characterized by desiring the given attributes, which can give one flashes of pleasure when the world meets the expectations we want it to have, but more often negative feelings when our emotion backed addictions aren't met or are threatened. And then we entered the first Love center where we seek genuine growth, work to correct our deficiencies, and express genuine kindness toward others. The next level again grows out of the one before it, this new level of which Ken Keyes calls the "Cornucopia" center. When growing on the Love center, you realize that you are either expressing unconditional love, or something has come up putting you in touch with what you need to do, learn, and accept to express love. The next level comes out of an additional level of self-reflectivity, where you aren't just looking at the concept of growth and how to best go about it, but have stepped back and are looking that the concept of *you* growing. You see that the times when you are expressing negativity have purpose, in that they put you in touch with your addictions and allow you to grow further. You see that the world is a beautiful, organized, friendly place which provides you with exactly what you need at all times, be it the wonderful experiences of just expressing and experiencing unconditional love, or that which you need to do to grow. Or rather, the point is and the leap is made when your sense of love has been extended to include "that which isn't love", i.e. all your "negative" experiences. On this center you still have things you would prefer to do or have happen, but you see the validity and potential in all things. This is an extremely happy, joyous level, where it seems the world is always offering you all kinds of wonderful things, hence the term "Cornucopia". Your feeling index still runs from happy to zero (and not below) on this level, but you're increasingly on the genuinely happy end of the spectrum, because "negativity" is increasingly non-existent. An important difference between this and the Love center is that before, you were *seeking* spiritual growth for your own sake, while here you are *enjoying* spiritual growth for its own sake. This level is more difficult to achieve, and for some even to understand, than the Love center, although one on it radiates a glowing sense of quiet inner peace. You can accept and see the positive purpose in seemingly negative events, such as murders and all other "atrocities". You do however feel compassion for all those on the stage of life expressing any lower experiences, and moreover you can see a bit of yourself in everyone, and everyone in yourself. You realize that everyone does what they think is right, and you would likely do the same thing in their circumstances. You accept, and love it all. - Walter From: Walter Pullen To: SOC Personal Growth Club Subject: Conscious Awareness of the Day :-) Date: Tuesday, September 13, 1994 3:13PM All the centers of consciousness up until now have a sense of polarity to them. You are either on it, or there is something you should do to be on it. For the three lower centers you have things to do: achieve Security, enjoy Sensations, or gain Power. The next two centers also give you something to do: unconditionally Love everything around you, or see how the world is a perfect place that gives you everything you need in a Cornucopia of experiences. All these centers have a sense of judgment to them, something you desire to get to or stay on. Even the Cornucopia, where you are seeing purpose to the lower centers of consciousness and not letting them bother you, they are still a step and something to be evolved beyond, or not acceptance in its truest sense even if you are full of joy in relation to them. Once on the Cornucopia center enough, seeing the beauty in everything, there will eventually be one final self-reflective insight, and the concept will not just be applied to external events, but to yourself. Once you see the beauty of yourself as you are, without concern to even what level you are on, you go beyond the previous five centers though another boundary to the meta-center of Conscious Awareness. The difference between this and the Cornucopia center is that before you judge everything in the world as beautiful and purposeful, while in the Conscious Awareness center you don't judge at all! Very subtle to grasp but a world of difference. Here you watch your life from a quiet place deep inside. You realize yourself as a player on the stage of life, with your consciousness being in the audience seeing the rest of you act. You see it all as a meaningful game. This is very detached, but by no means isolated. Nothing has changed, just that you see everything as it is, without any personal attachments to it. You are no longer seeking spiritual growth, or enjoying spiritual growth, but *watching* yourself seek or enjoy spiritual growth! Once in this center, it's impossible to fall from it to a previous center, because there is no attachment to anything that can make you express any negativity. There's not even a subtle desire to stay on the Conscious Awareness center and to continue to not judge! You have to do something along the lines of falling asleep to return to a concrete level. Conversely, you can't enter this center by normal means as the desire to be on it will prevent it from becoming so. The feeling of the Conscious Awareness center is ecstatic, and full of a sense of clear love beyond description. Just being and doing nothing or anything is the most wonderful experience. You and the world are holy because there is nothing that can ever stain it, or rather the concept of "stain" no longer exists in your reality, or rather it does but "stain" no longer bothers you, or rather it bothers you but "bother" no longer bothers you, if that makes sense. Your sense of *you* is a spark of Conscious Awareness, a watcher of the rest of you. You don't have any illusions or images of what you are, e.g. "I'm a person growing spiritually", or associations or attachments to your body, memories, or mind. You don't even think anymore, but rather are aware of yourself thinking, and doing everything else. You still do things just like everyone, and even have intents or preferences to focus your will upon, and can in a sense even watch yourself express on a lower center of consciousness, but it's not *you* doing it. For the first time, you are aware of yourself and know who you are. - Walter From: Walter Pullen To: SOC Personal Growth Club Subject: Cosmic Consciousness of the Day :-) Date: Wednesday, September 14, 1994 2:32PM Yesterday was discussed the Conscious Awareness center, which is a quiet place deep inside where you just watch yourself on the stage of life without judgment. There's one more step in consciousness you can take, one more center which is called the center of Cosmic Consciousness. One day while watching yourself you realize it's not just you on the stage of life, but that others are there with you. You realize you can extend your point of view to not just watching your own self on the stage, but the other actors or the stage as a whole. You can observe not just the stage but the theater you are in, and you can leave the theater altogether and start walking around outside! All the centers of consciousness up to now involve some sense of self-awareness. There's you and your experience, and a boundary between you and the rest of the universe that's being experienced. There's still a self, an individual identity, a tiny sense of pride that it's you that's doing the experiencing, you that's nearly enlightened. Even on the Conscious Awareness center, where everything is accepted and loved, there's still a sense of the lover and that which is being loved; you, and the rest of the universe. What makes you *you*, and not someone else? What is this boundary, and who created it or can examine it? Once you grasp the stage as a whole, or rather stop grasping any particular part of it, you become pure awareness, instead of just self-awareness. You let go of the personal boundary, and your drop of consciousness falls into the ocean of unity and bliss. This center of consciousness is very hard to get to ("you" can't ever be on it) or even to remotely understand ("who" can ever understand it). A description Ken Keyes attempts is that of sex: Up until climax, you are experiencing the having of sex, but at the moment of orgasm, you *are* the experience and are one with your partner. Even preferences need to be done away with in order to exist in this manner, because a preference implies there's an individual having the preference. This is a center of all encompassing love, where there's no more "I" love "you", but love everywhere. This is a center of true compassion and non-selfishness by definition, because there is no self and no others. You can see how one concept of "ascending" that people refer to can come about. The things in the human kingdom aren't denounced or denied, but rather one just fully understands all aspects of it, and can do things in addition to a game of life in the theater building, just like how adults lose interest in playing tic-tac-toe and can go on to other things as well... This concludes our journey through the seven centers of consciousness, for this particular model of looking at it. There are still more levels before and after this one. Instinct is a type of near-unconscious animal behavior even before Security, while "one" in Cosmic Consciousness unity still has ways more exalted ways to change "their" state of existence. These are however, beyond the scope of our current plane of existence. The universe is infinite, or rather you are infinite, or rather there's no difference between the two. Until then! :-) - Walter