Selena's Anchor Group Gallery

Seattle has had Anchor Groups since the original Opening of the 11:11 Doorway. Many thanks to Selena for organizing (or helping organize along with Arasia and Astara) all of them. :-) Below are photos from the 1st Gate, 2nd Gate, 4th Gate, and 6th Gate, taken by Selena's camera. Selena also went to the 3rd Gate Part II Master Cylinder in Montana.

1st Gate

Wheels within Wheels

1.1: Inner Wheels: We had three groups of 11 forming inner wheels in the middle of the outer circles. This formed the Wheels within Wheels! We did the Unified Movements at 11:11am local time, 3:11pm local time (11:11pm GMT), and 11:11pm local time.

Sun and Moon circles

1.2: Sun and Moon Circles: The inner moon circle (facing out) and the outer sun circle (facing in) surrounded the inner wheels. In the foreground is part of one of the inner wheels, and in the background are Guardians.

Sun and Moon circles

1.3: Sun and Moon Circles: Another view of parts of the inner moon circle and the outer sun circle (and an inner wheel and Guardians).

1st Gate spiral

1.4: Spiral: Our spiral galaxy was formed by everybody sitting in sequence forming a spiral line, after which Arasia walked in the Spaces in Between from the outer endpoint to the middle, to activate it.

1st Gate Guardians

1.5: Guardians: Guardians held the beam around the circle at all times. We had 12 Guardians representing the 12 Rays, each of who read a message from a scroll invoking their Ray's color.

Kae and Ella

1.6: Family: Kae (on right) and her daughter Ella (facing camera by window) are two among many helping open the Doorway of the 11:11. Notice the sun setting in the background among the winter landscape.

1st Gate One Being

1.7: One Being: Another radiant being who helped open the Doorway of the 11:11 in Seattle. Notice the Angel halo crown, where these were made available to everyone. :-)

1st Gate organizers

1.8: Guides: Arasia (in center with scrolls) talks about the 11:11 at one end of our circle. Arasia, Selena, and Astara (in blue) organized the 1st Gate Anchoring in Seattle, at the University Friends Center near the University of Washington.

2nd Gate

2nd Gate site

2.1: Our Group: Seattle's 2nd Gate Anchoring was held at the Richmond Highlands Park Community Center near Selena's house.

2nd Gate organizers

2.2: Welcoming: Selena (in center) and Arasia (on left), who organized the 2nd Gate Anchoring in Seattle, welcome everyone to the Activation.

2nd Gate checkin

2.3: Greeting: A picture of the front desk where people checked in. Notice Karen's Angel wings, the donation box with downward pointing triangles on it, and the silver and gold Angel halo crowns. Another picture of the checkin desk can be seen here.

2nd Gate podium

2.4: Front Podium: The podium area of our Anchoring event featured homemade banners, candles, flowers, and love. Another angle of the podium can be seen here.

2nd Gate circle

2.5: Circle: A picture of part of our circle. Arbaline can be seen as a Guardian in the background. Another picture of our circle can be seen here, where the banner on the wall in the background depicts the 20 seals of the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar. A close up picture of another part of our circle can be seen here.

2nd Gate initiation

2.6: Initiation: Lining up to prepare to pass through the Gateways of Initiation, to take us into the 2nd Gate.

Arian at 2nd Gate

2.7: Arian: Paul (Arian), magnificent both in dress and Spirit, helped Anchor the 2nd Gate of the 11:11 in Seattle. :-)

4th Gate

4th Gate site

4.1: Our Group: For the 4th Gate Activation, we held our Anchor Group at Arasia's Antahkarana Center in Auburn, WA. Arian (in blue) can be seen speaking. A report from this Anchor Group can be read in the middle of the page here.

4th Gate banners

4.2: Banners: Another view of our group, with the 11:11 banners we've used for all Gates since the original opening. Tiki torches can also be seen, as another way of connecting with the 4th Gate Master Cylinder in Tahiti.

Arbaline and Elaraiel

4.3: In the Beam: Arbaline and Elaraiel hold the beam after the 4th Gate Activation. For 3rd Gate Part II they formed a two person Anchor Group while Selena and others went to the Master Cylinder in Montana. A Labyrinth Arbaline made in the grass (the 4th Gate's keynote is "Reconfiguring our Evolutionary Labyrinth") can be seen here.

6th Gate

6th Gate site

6.1: Our Group: 11 people (10 shown, plus one taking picture) anchored the 6th Gate in Seattle, outside at Richmond Beach park by Puget Sound. Arbaline and Bonnie went to the Master Cylinder in Ireland. A report from this Anchor Group can be read at the top of the page here.

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This site produced by Walter D. Pullen (see Astrolog homepage), hosted on Magitech and, created using Microsoft FrontPage, page last updated October 10, 2005.