HSCTI Hyper Space Communications
and Technologies International

HSCTI, P.O. Box 1298, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA

The International Web Site for Orgone and Radionics Resources
Home of the Orgone Generator: Beyond the Orgone Accumulator!
A Gigantic Step into the Future!
(770) 924 0223 / Fax: 770 924 0223 - call before faxing

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The Transfer Test:
Life Force transfer
at any distance!
Orgone Radionics - What it Can Do For You
The effects of life force technology can be demonstrated by standardized scientific methods
Important: Sometimes, in the course of your work, you will be introduced to words and techniques that may or may not cause subconscious fears and doubts.  One of these words is “magick”. Actually, what some people call “magick” is nothing but action at a distance that you can achieve with the help of structural links and life force, i.e., it is functionally identical with radionics. You will learn more about structural links later!  It is a well-known fact that such fears and doubts were originally implanted by the same people who used such methods extensively towards their own selfish ends. Ignorance was always the safest method to dominate large parts of the population! So we decided to use the word “magick” and other, similar words, sometimes, whenever it is the best one to describe what’s happening when you work to achieve positive permanent solutions.

The orgone generator is the most important part of the new technology from HSCTI.   In 1992, HSCTI started the marketing of orgone technology.  By now, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are beneficiaries of this extraordinary new technology.

The EPG 2000 was the first orgone generator, or Welz Chi Generator, on the market.  Its orgone accumulating sections had still alternating layers of organic and metallic materials.  With the invention of orgonite by Karl Hans Welz soon after, much smaller devices were possible.  In power output, the JU 99 CE, our smallest orgone generator, is stronger than the EPG 2000 that was much larger.

Karl Hans Welz has shown that orgone is the energy form that makes action at a distance such as radionics and magick possible.  Therefore it made perfect sense to combine the orgone generator with the radionics device or radionics program.  The RAD 2000, the RAD 2400 HD, the RAD 5 and the ATGS 3000 are orgone radionics devices of considerable power.  On the other hand, our radionics programs with their 5 and more positions are superior to anything else on the market today.

In the course of our life force research with the orgone generator, a life force generating device that was invented by Karl Hans Welz (hence the name "Welz Chi Generator"), additional characteristics of life force became obvious.  Wilhelm Reich and others after him demonstrated the existence of DOR, or deadly orgone.  This is a form of life force that, according to Reich, has “turned stale”.  In our days, this type energy is often connected with strong electro smog such as under fluorescent lights.  Many persons feel strangely weakened, even sick, under such conditions.

DOR originates also under certain natural conditions.  Of course, such natural DOR eventually transforms back into healthy orgone, because of the impact of the living pulse of natural orgone.  In artificial conditions however, such as under continuous impact of electro smog, such transformation is counteracted continuously with the generation of new DOR, in which case the weakening and depressing atmosphere remains.

The person who is familiar with traditional orgone accumulators (an orgone accumulator passively draws orgone from the surrounding atmosphere while the Welz Chi Generator generates massive amounts of orgone energy) knows that such devices can “foul up” with DOR in an atmosphere with deadly orgone (DOR) present.  Reich found that out the hard way in his famous “Oranur Experiment”.

The Welz Chi Generator, with its massive and continuous supply of pulsed orgone can supply any atmosphere that contains DOR with pulsating life force.  Therefore it naturally transforms DOR back into healthy pulsating orgone even when large amounts of DOR are present.   For instance, if an orgone generator (continuously emitting orgone that pulsates naturally) is running next to any one of our DOR generators (another invention by Karl Hans Welz), their life-threatening and massive emanations of DOR are instantly transformed into healthy orgone.   In fact, any orgone accumulating device (orgone accumulator, orgone shooter, orgone blanket and the like) that has fouled up in such an atmosphere of DOR can be restored to its original accumulating function rapidly when put next to a Welz Chi Generator for a few minutes.

Note: Of recent, there are devices on the market, which passively attract orgone.  In fact, these devices are orgone accumulators, as such with the usual shortcomings of mere orgone accumulating devices, which their manufacturers falsely try to market as “orgone generators”.   The difference to the traditional orgone accumulator is that they have additional features such as crystals; some of them are built in the shape of pyramids, and in most of them orgonite is an essential part.